
Posts Tagged ‘Enlightenment’

It doesn’t have to be just a pretty video that you forget. Claim these ideas in your own life.

What do you learn in DynaMIND? Have a look at our website: http://www.scienceofhappiness.com/page1/index.html

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Once upon a time, there was an ordinary woman who had a fistful of lightning bolts.

Although she woke up every morning with a fine new shimmering bundle clutched in her hands, she was unaware of the treasure she held and unaware that, by the end of each day, her treasure was usually gone.

It was a mystery . . . did the lightning get lost in the bottom of her purse? Did it blow away out the car window? Did the dog eat it? How did she manage to rid herself of this glittering energy?

One morning the woman looked out the window and grimaced at the grey sky.

“What a miserable day,” she said to herself. “I hate Mondays.”

All of a sudden, one of her lightning bolts flew out of her hand, whizzed through the window glass, and disappeared up into the clouds. She was unaware.

At breakfast, the woman’s two kids were flicking soggy cornflakes at each other.

The woman yelled, “You kids are driving me nuts! Hurry up or we’ll all be late.”

With this, two lightning bolts flew out of her hand and zipped into two sets of little ears, where the energy was reprocessed and stored for mischief production later.

On the highway to work, the woman ended up stuck behind a convoy of senior citizens who were enjoying the rush hour scenery at ten kilometers under the speed limit. Feeling homicidal surges of frustration and anger, the woman expressed a variety of traditional obscenities.

Another lightning bolt flew from her hands and zipped into the car ahead of her, where it was incorporated into a bit of pink baby sweater being knitted by the passenger in the front seat.

Finally the woman arrived at work, where her boss greeted her by handing her a list of forty-seven things that had to be done by 11 am.

“She makes me so mad,” mumbled the woman. “She is insensitive and driven and she’s infuriating.”

Suddenly, another one of the woman’s lightning bolts left her hands and dove into a nearby potted philodendron, causing a ripple of excitement among the chloroplasts. The woman was beginning to feel tired.

At lunch the woman said, “To hell with my diet. I have no willpower anyway, and I’ll just gain the weight back.”

She loaded extra sour cream and butter onto her baked potato. A lightning bolt slid down her chair and skittered into a nearby briefcase belonging to a insurance saleslady from Brampton.

Gathered for coffee break that afternoon, the woman and her two best buddies speculated on how best to gain revenge against Verne, who had gotten a promotion.

“He’s been sucking up to management and making the rest of us look bad with that extra work he keeps doing,” complained the woman.

She didn’t notice a tingle as a lightning bolt left her hand and rolled up the hall into the president’s office, where it nudged his putter and helped his golf ball slide into an old coffee cup lying on its side.

“Hmmm,” said the president to himself. “I have an idea.” He returned to his computer.

That night, as she and her husband cooked supper, the woman muttered to herself, “If only I could change careers. But it’s too late and it would be too much work to go back to school.”

A couple of small lightning bolts fell into the broccoli. Her husband grunted.

The woman raised her voice to him. “You never listen to me when I need to express myself. You should be more sensitive to my needs. If only things were different around here!”

A lightning bolt zapped from her hand, bounced on the floor and zig-zagged down the hall, followed by the cat.

All of a sudden, the bowl of broccoli slipped from the woman’s hands and crashed in a magnificent splatter of mushy green, mixed into bits of sharp white porcelain.

“I hate gravity,” she yelled. Her last lightning bolt flew from her hand and entered the television, where it became a dot on Tom Brokaw’s tie.

“I am tired. I can’t do anything right, ” the woman wailed, ” I am powerless!” And so she was.

Part II

Once again upon a time, there was that ordinary woman who thought she was powerless. She was so frustrated by her powerlessness and talked about it so much that she never noticed the bright fistful of lightning in her hand.

As she peered at herself in the bathroom mirror one morning, her frustration built to a critical mass.

It exploded, scattering her lightning and sounding her thunder through the psychic ether.

Her husband twitched under the covers, opened his eyes and frowned. What was that sudden flash coming from the bathroom?

Her kids stopped whining at each other for a moment. What was that far off rumble?

Her cat shivered and stretched with anticipation. Neighbourhood dogs perked their ears and barked.

This explosive burst was so great that one of the woman’s lightning bolts flew up, zapped her behind her right ear, passed through her brain . . .

. . . And she Woke Up. Really, truly woke up for the first time.

It’s true that in the past her eyes had been open in the daytime, and closed at night, in the conventional manner. But now, for the first time, she was Awake.

She smiled at herself in the bathroom mirror. “What sort of a day shall I make for myself today?” she asked, as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down. “I believe I will make a good day.”

A lightning bolt flew up her arm, whirled around her head and spread itself around her in a shimmer of sparkles. A faint, faint glow appeared around her head.

At breakfast, the woman’s daughter could not find her coloured markers. The child shouted, threw some papers on the floor, and began to cry.

Instead of yelling, “The markers are wherever you left them!” the woman got down to her daughter’s eye level, rubbed her back and said, “It must be very upsetting to misplace your markers. I’ll bet you have a wonderful picture planned. Would you like me to help you find them?”

The halo surrounding the woman flickered and took on a slight reddish tint. A lightning bolt left her hand, flew into the pot drawer, and went ping as it ricocheted off the markers, which were (logically, of course) in the casserole pan.

As the woman drove to work, a young guy in a red Toyota cut in front of her without signaling. The woman almost used her one finger technique.

Then she quickly changed to her Three Finger Technique and called to him, “Bless you, young man . . . drive safely . . . and live . . . your children are waiting to be born.”

The young man’s nose itched, and a shiver went right down his back and leg towards the gas pedal. Numerous gleams of orange joined the reddish glow surrounding the woman. Lightning bolts danced on her knuckles as the woman drove on, practising her abdominal lifts and her Kegels at every stoplight.

That morning, the woman’s boss stomped over to her desk and tossed a stack of files down.

“This needs to be done by eleven am,” the boss huffed.

On other days, the woman would have mumbled assent and then cursed her boss’s ample behind as it receded down the hall. But today, the woman was Awake. She noticed that her boss’s flesh tone was pinker than usual, her breathing was faster and higher in her chest, her voice tone was pinched, and her eyes were moist.

The woman followed her boss into her office. “You have such a difficult job,” said the woman to her boss. “I don’t know how you cope with the stress that head office must lay on you.”

The woman’s boss burst into tears. Tea, sympathy, and a non-judgemental ear were provided by the woman for the next forty-five minutes. During this time, flashes of lovely gold joined the red and orange glistening around the woman. The lights were beginning to move in a spiral pattern around her. Her lightning bolts grew bigger and brighter.

By 11:03, she had all the files done. “Hah,” she said to herself. “Now I will go to the Meditation Booth and do an Alpha Process for ten minutes.”

While doing Alpha, she thought of a new marketing idea for one of her company’s customers, added four things to her To Do list, figured out at last why the bathroom shower was leaking, and worked on her third cervical vertebrae.

“Hmmm,” she smiled to herself. “When I do an Alpha Process this afternoon, I will redecorate the bedroom in four different styles and choose one.”

The woman thought again about how glad she was that she had learned the DynaMIND® skills. When the woman emerged, dazzling green illumination had joined the other colours around her.

It was lunchtime. She contemplated the menu, paused briefly at “Baked Potato Oozing with Butter and Cheese to Plug Your Arteries” and then chose “Salad Bar”. She piled it high and found herself choosing lemon juice instead of Cholesterol Delight dressing. Her heart smiled and so did she.

Blue green iridescence joined the spiraling colours around her. A baby in a high chair at the next table gurgled approvingly and tried to grab the sparkles as they whirled by.

At 5:30 pm the woman met her mother at the mall. The woman had forgotten her shopping list.

“Can’t you ever do anything right?” grumbled her mother.

“Ever?” asked the woman. “Gosh, Mum, I have my underwear on underneath my clothes, instead of on my head! That’s something right. AND I picked YOU for my mother.”

The woman’s mother, for once, was stuck for a response. The woman smiled to herself, and a lustrous blue layer began to brighten her aura even more. A lightning bolt leaped from her hand and tickled her mum’s ear.

On a mall bench nearby, a very, very old lady, whose twinkly blue eyes were almost lost in her smile wrinkles, watched the woman and her mum walk by. The old lady nodded slowly, and grinned her approval.

After supper that night, the woman’s son, in an experimental mood, spent some time contriving just the correct launch velocity and directional vector so that when he jumped down the basement steps, his chin would connect with the rail, rip skin, and distribute blood over an inconvenient area. The woman did not yell, although she was tempted.

As she held a towel to her son’s face, she remembered the words of the wise philosopher, Forrest Gump: “Sometimes, shit happens.” Her aura brightened.

Later on, at the Emergency Room, she was so understanding and friendly with the harassed nurses that her son only had to wait an hour and a half for stitches.

As she sat holding her son’s hand, glints of luminous violet flared and grew around the woman. Her son felt a sudden tingle moving up his arm and on to his chin, where the doctor was sewing.

“I’m going to start thinking before I do stuff, Mom.”

“I know you will, honey. From now on, you are thinking more carefully,” she replied.

When her exhausted husband finally got home from work that night, the woman had put away her scripts for “Guess-what-I-had-to-cope-with-all-by-myself-while-you were-working-late-again” and “Here-is-my-list-of-complaints”. She nuked him a pizza and brought him a beer.

Later on, she rubbed his startled neck and kissed his surprised ear. “You are perfectly You, sweetie,” she whispered. Her aura expanded in glitters of violet white, and her husband felt a brand-new sense of warmth and satisfaction.

That night, as the woman sat in bed doing another Alpha Process, she congratulated herself for the times that day when she had consciously chosen her response. Whirling about her were glittering glimmers of color, threaded with bolts of blue-white lightning. The cat, sitting on the end of the bed, blinked and lazily contemplated chasing one of those sparkles. The woman snuggled next to her husband.

“Just for today,” she thought, ” I was Awake. I was powerful. I will look after tomorrow when tomorrow comes. I wonder what I will chose?”

Check out the Light and the Lightning…

by Janet MacDonald Kramer

If you want more , click here.

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Knowledge, Action, and Self-Honesty. When you have them, you are powerful, as you create your life.

Their opposites are Ignorance, Stupidity, and Self-Delusion. Lots of people you know have them. These people are powerful too, as they create their problems.

Warning: read on only if you are serious about pursuing personal success, happiness, and health. I want you to claim your personal Power… so here goes:

The first battle is between Ignorance and Knowledge:

Marnie’s husband cheats on her and she doesn’t have the slightest clue. Ignorance! Jack choses to pay the “minimum payment” on his credit card bill and has no idea of the astonishing total he will someday owe in compounding principal and excruciating interest. Ignorance! Elise is in one of her clean-everything-in-this-damn-house moods, and inadvertently mixes certain cleaning products in her pail. She creates toxic gas. Ignorance!

Ignorance is not having the necessary knowledge, data, information, or skill. Marnie, Jack and Elise are ignorant. They don’t know any better, and they don’t know that they don’t know. However, their ignorance does not exempt them from suffering.

You have an idea of what “success” means for you. In order to succeed, you’ll recognize that you don’t know what you don’t know. This is your personal battle between Ignorance and Knowledge. You are asking yourself, “what knowledge do I need to get the success I want?”

Knowledge is power, so it is said. In all the generations of humanity, our generation ought to be the most well-informed in history. Your head ought to ache from all the information stuffed between your ears. We are awash in knowledge: we have the internet, books, TV, newspapers, and magazines. We’re packed off to elementary school, high school, college and university. Your life should be smooth and successful, with all that so-called learning easing your way to glorious happiness. However, although Knowledge is required, it is is not enough for your success.

Before I go on to the second battle you face, Stupidity versus Action, let me tell you about how DynaMIND practitioners have a number of powerful learning tools to soak up the Knowledge they need. Erin is planning to invest in stocks and commodities and she’s using DynaMIND alpha techniques in her investment seminars. Back in high school, she was a C student. Now that real money is riding on her performance, her DynaMIND usage makes her an A student! Rick, who used to be the poster boy for skipping school, is now using DynaMIND to pass grade 12 and escape High School for the auto mechanics apprenticeship he longs for, with visions of chrome and speed dancing in his head. Jean, who is a retired executive, thinks of herself as a Seeker. She uses Dynamind techniques in her spiritual learning and exploration. Erin, Rick and Jean are using DynaMIND to build their Knowledge for success.

And now the second battle: between Stupidity and Action:

“Stupidity” is my technical term for possessing the necessary knowledge and yet not acting from that knowledge. It’s a strong term. I’m using that term because I want you to reclaim your personal power. Do I have your attention? As you consider the people you know, people in the news, celebrities, you’ll agree that there are many cringing examples of stupidity… out there.

For example, years ago, cigarette advertisements featured sleek white-coated doctors lighting up, encouraging everyone to smoke because “it’s good for you!” If you smoked back then, you smoked in blissful ignorance. People who smoke now, do it with the Knowledge that it will shorten their lives while making them sickly and smelly before their early death. If someone continues to smoke while possessing that knowledge, that’s stupidity. They know better and they do it anyway. “But it’s an addiction!” I hear you. More on that in the third battle, below.

Do you know people who know more about nutrition and healthy eating than their food choices this week would reflect? Do you know people who know all about the importance of regular, vigorous exercise to health and fitness? Would their bathroom scales, full length mirrors, and cholesterol levels testify to their knowledge? They know exactly what to do to live longer and better, yet they don’t do it. That’s stupidity. But what about…(insert excuses here). See the third battle below.

If a friend asks you for advice about a troubled relationship, you can put on your Dear Abby Hat and give some useful suggestions, can’t you? Do your own family and work relationships perfectly reflect your advice to others?

We can Know, but if we don’t Act on what we Know, that’s just plain Stupid.

The explanation for Stupidity takes us to the the third battle: Self-Honesty versus Self-Delusion. But before we go there, what can be done to motivate ourselves to escape Stupidity and take Action on what we know? In the DynaMIND Course students learn the obvious, profound, yet overlooked concept that your thoughts create your life. Your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes are Mental Programs in the Biocomputer of Mind/Brain. Even more, you think your Programs are True! And you make it so! Your life is a reflection of your thinking. In DynaMIND class you learn how to Reprogram yourself, eliminating fears, adding self-confidence, building motivation, installing knowledge and skills so that you can take Action on what you Know.

After DynaMIND, Peter built a new company, then sold it for thirty million and went off to climb Kilimanjaro. Renee slimmed herself, got back in the dating game and after finding a selection of soul mates, cut the right one out of the herd and dragged him off to his Bliss. Joyce stopped doing Retail Therapy on herself, ( I spend to feel better!! Wait, that’s Stupid! ) got out of debt, and as she put it, “got a life”. Delia had always wanted to open her own restaurant. She created a plan, activated it, dealt with the inevitable setbacks, and the bistro is open. That’s Mental Programming: Peter, Renee, and Delia took Knowledge into Action.

The third battle is between Self-Honesty and Self-Delusion:

Arianna repeatedly threatens to take away the prized internet if her teenagers continue to be rude, avoid their household chores, and neglect homework. In fear of the nuclear tantrums that would explode if she actually pulled the plug, Arianna never follows through. She rationalizes that the kids “need the internet for their schoolwork” ( they do get an A for Facebooking!). Arianna is deluding herself. If she steps into Self-Honesty, she will frankly acknowledge that, so far, she has chosen to be “loved” rather than respected. She acknowledges that she is teaching her children to be lazy, selfish and irresponsible. She needs to learn how to be strong. She needs to learn and then take action on parenting strategies. She needs to get a backbone. Self-Honesty.

Here are some possible signs of Self-Delusion: procrastination, hanging on to being a victim, blaming others, rationalizing, refusing responsibility, and making excuses. This is abandoning personal Power. It is a cosy, deep rut to be in, fur-lined, warm, and righteous.

To climb out of the Rut, be Honest. Ruthlessly and accurately acknowledge your true contribution, through thought, word and deed, to your present situation. This is claiming your personal Power. Can you figure out why?

Young Mick has been fired from his last three jobs. “It’s not what I really want to do anyway” he says, and the jobs are “boring”. “I just have bad luck! I’ve had three picky bosses who were all out to get me”. Plus he can’t quit smoking because he’s “addicted.” Mick is deluding himself by blaming external factors. In Self-Honesty, Mick acknowledges that he’s been a lousy, lazy employee. Even he wouldn’t hire himself! He decides to be on time, work at his “menial job” as if it really mattered, demonstrate 100% excellence, and ask himself what Knowledge he needs in order to move up in the world. Mick gets out of the Victim Rut. He faces the reality that “addicts” who decide to quit and do what needs to be done, now, including getting help, can and do quit. Ruthless Self-Honesty.

Elaine has a stash of foldaway exercise equipment gathering dust under the bed. She is an expert on every popular diet. She has a teetering pile of exercise DVDs. Elaine tells herself, “I will get back on my program when it’s warmer out/ after my daughter’s wedding/ when the kitchen is renovated/ when the sky is green and orange…” Elaine is deluding herself through procrastination. In Self-Honesty, Elaine acknowledges to herself that she’s overweight and unfit because so far, that’s what she has chosen. She decides, now, to have self-discipline, and to honour and care for her body, no matter what. No more excuses. No more secret bingeing. Self-Honesty. She claims her Power.

But what about the shitty things that happen in life? What about illness, and accidents and awfulness and tragedy?

Of course, bad stuff happens to everyone. That’s life. But how do you choose to respond? Some people respond to bad stuff with willful ignorance, stupidity and inaction, and self-delusion. Does that help to get through?

It will make a difference to respond to the Bad Stuff with Knowledge, Action, and Self-Honesty, won’t it?

DynaMIND students learn that Self-Honesty comes by using Alpha processes to explore their own Mental Programming, to ask for the truth, and then to walk in truth. They can choose to actively and joyfully and relentlessly create Positive Being by the continual application of the DynaMIND toolkit.

In the battle between Ignorance and Knowledge, how can you choose Knowledge, now?

In the battle between Stupidity and Action, how can you choose Action, now?

In the battle between Self-Delusion and Self-Honesty, how can you choose Self-Honesty…. now?

Step into your Power. Claim it.

-Janet MacDonald Kramer

The Science of Happiness

P.S. Names mostly changed. Of course!

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