
Posts Tagged ‘Positive Thinking’

(Congratulations to Ogilvie Taiwan, and Jennifer Hu, Creative Director,  for this excellent video!)

What do YOU live for?

Everything you want to do, to be and to have, begins in your MIND and how you USE it…

Join us and learn the DynaMIND mental techniques:

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It doesn’t have to be just a pretty video that you forget. Claim these ideas in your own life.

What do you learn in DynaMIND? Have a look at our website: http://www.scienceofhappiness.com/page1/index.html

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We don’t know if you feel stuck occasionally, but it’s not uncommon.

Some students have the rosy-eyed expectation that after taking DynaMIND they will dance out the door into a renovated life, full of kept resolutions, bags of money, endless time, fulsome success, gleaming health and zero calorie cookies for everybody. You know this isn’t realistic.

If you loaded those heavy expectations on yourself after you took DynaMIND, then give yourself a break!

Here’s what’s more likely: you attended DynaMIND and you felt motivated and inspired, and with your shiny new Intentions and some new tools in your mental toolkit, you headed back to Real Life. Things go well. You make progress! You enjoy exciting and surprising results. Serendipity kisses you!

However, Real Life is where the forces of inertia, and lifelong habits start to yank on your new intentions. You use some of your DynaMIND ideas… but then you get distracted and don’t use it as much as you could. Sound familiar?

Imagine that there is a Chart of Life, and on it there is a Line that indicates your evolving Growth and Success. After DynaMIND your line is climbing up your Chart of Life. After all, you’re more Conscious, you are taking action on new Intentions! You are making Progress!

Then… (roll of the drums here) there is a distraction. A setback. Old habits pull you down. Procrastination.

Your climbing Line flattens out. You’re on the Plateau. Life is flat. You feel as if you are marking time. Perhaps you get discouraged.

This is normal. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Notice that even if you’re on the Plateau, you are Higher than you were before, because you know things that you didn’t know before!

Now it’s time to gather your resources and focus your Intentions to climb again. It’s time to start using what you “know”. Get back into attracting what you really want.  Get off the couch and take Informed Action. Give yourself the gift of time just for you, to recharge your energy. Explore what you thought you knew, and learn it deeper, higher, and better.

We are ready to assist you. How can we help?

Janet and Jonathan

If you would like some one-on-one assistance via our personal coaching and consultation services, call 1-888-788-6463.



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You are about to walk into the boss’s lair and ask him for a raise. You say to yourself, “I deserve a raise, and I am feeling confident that now is the time to pitch it, while he’s in a good mood! I can hear him chuckling in there!”

Meanwhile part of your mind whispers, “Baloney! He turned down Matt just last week. How do I know he’ll think I’m worth it?”

You respond, playfully to yourself, “but I have nothing to lose, and I’m feeling ten feet tall today, after he raved at the sales meeting about my new idea!”

Back comes the thought, “He’ll yell and toss me out into the recycle bin. Other people here are more qualified, at least on paper.”

“Shut up and Think Positive.”

“Never mind that nonsense! Be realistic.”

Have you ever had that kind of internal battle? It has sometimes sabotaged your self-confidence, hasn’t it? Is there anything you can do about it?

There’s a part of you who is a kind of cop/accountant, relentlessly logical, nit-picky, and seemingly negative. There’s another part who is free-wheeling, adventurous, and open.

What does this have to do with “Wilfred” and “Willy”? Watch my short video below and find out. -Janet

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Has this ever happened to you?

You were contemplating an upcoming meeting with Someone Important. (Could it have been your lover, your ex, your boss, your neighbour?) With feelings of dread, you pictured yourself, trembling as you faced this person. You imagined how you’d turn red with embarrassment, or be thrown ass-over-teakettle out of their presence, or have a temper meltdown and do the throwing, or scurry away in embarrassment and frustration.

In your mind’s eye, you pictured it all going horribly wrong, even though the meeting hadn’t even happened yet!

In your mind’s ear you told yourself, I know I will screw it up. I will forget what I want to say. I always lose my temper…

Then along came your best friend. You opened your mouth and worried out loud to your buddy about your fears. That’s when your friend piped up with those dreaded words… the dreaded Pollyanna Positive Advice: “Oh, just think positively and you’ll be all right”.

Oh yeah, you think to yourself. I read a book about that once. Well, only part of the book, but I guess I’ll try it…

In the Upstairs of your mind, where you do your conscious, day-to-day thinking, you try out some shiny new positive thoughts: I can do it. I’ll remember everything I need to say. I won’t lose my temper, or turn red and faint, or try to kill the guy… whoops, that’s maybe not so positive; ah… I am serenely confident. You attempt to picture a happy little back-slapping interview, with great schmoozy grins on your face and on the other guy’s.

Meanwhile, down in the vast Main Floor Headquarters of your mind, your powerful beliefs, attitudes, and self-image are aroused and annoyed by your new positive thought. Like a new and unwelcome upstairs tenant, that noisy positive nonsense must be put in its place…

When you think, I can do it, downstairs that old well-rehearsed thought says, Yeah, right, in your dreams, dummy. When you visualize being calm and confident, that old, practiced technicolour video of stumbling incoherence plays on your mental screen.

Who do you think has the power: the new tenant, or the owners downstairs on the Main Floor? Unless you know how to integrate the new thoughts deeply in your being, your old negatives are going to win!

I tell my students that positive thinking is “B.S”.

No, that doesn’t stand for what you’re thinking, or even “bovine stools” either, although it’s often appropriate. “B.S.” stands, in our teaching, for “Beta Stuff”. Beta is the term used in neuro-science to describe the brainwave activity associated with the outer conscious, day-to-day, eyes-open mental processes. It’s in the electrical frequency range of 15 to 20 cycles per second, or faster. That’s the predominant brainwave activity we’d find while you’re attempting to do some shallow positive “thinking”.

When you focus your thoughts inwards to fantasy or daydreaming, more Alpha brainwave activity ( in the range of 8 to 15 cps) begins to manifest. If you are physically relaxed and close your eyes, even more Alpha will be produced. If you practice certain types of mental training or dynamic meditation, the Alpha spreads, its amplitude increases, and both brain hemispheres may begin to show synchronous activity.

Slower frequencies such as Theta (4 to 8 cps) and Delta (.5 to 4 cps) are associated, in untrained people, with drowsiness and with deep sleep.

What does all this brainwave stuff have to do with your attempts to change your negative thinking?

While your conscious thoughts may visit in your mental Upstairs, (Beta brainwaves) they live in your spacious Main Floor.( Alpha and Theta brainwave activity.) To effectively install a new thought pattern, it helps to be on the Main Floor, rather than to shout down the stairs!

Here are some tips for creating Positive Being rather than mere Positive Thinking:

1) Consider the words that describe the new thought that you want. “I am superbly confident for this meeting”, rather than, “I am a shambling bag of petrified protoplasm..”

2) Write the words in your journal, on cards for your wallet, or full colour posters on your laser printer. Sky writing would be fun, if the budget allows…

3) Think about what the positive outcome will look like, when you manifest it. Warning: Don’t go down the simplistic Garden Path of “visualize your goal and it will be yours”. Too many people have only a superficial understanding of this. They close their eyes, attempt to “visualize” and then complain that they can’t see anything. Unless someone has slipped some LSD into your non-fat double mocha cappuccino, you won’t be experiencing IMAX full colour on your closed eyelids. So relax and simply think about what your positive outcome would look like, if you could see it.

4) Add other sensory modes of thinking: Think about what your positive outcome will sound like, and feel like when you experience it. These are the sensory modes neglected in most motivational trainings and philosophies, which teach visualization only. Yet these auditory and kinesthetic thought modes are equally, if not more important to a substantial percentage of the population.

5) Now that you have prepared the words, the mental images, the mental sounds, and the mental feelings, you have a Beta Level design for the positive thought. Your next project is to take it downstairs to Alpha, to your Main Floor Headquarters!

If you have been trained to do a controlled Alpha Process, such as in the DynaMIND training, you will know how to enter and maintain a deep Alpha state. In that state, you can reprogram yourself with your desired new thought pattern. This is where you enter your Power and go far beyond ordinary “Positive Thinking”. You will use the Virtual Goal Technique, or the STAR Imprinting Technique, , or the SPASE Criteria for designing your new Thought Pattern. You’ll find yourself using the Finger Trigger Technique occasionally through the day, if your mind strays into a negative pattern.

6) Even if you haven’t yet learned DynaMIND, take action on your intended goal. Passivity is not positivity here! Pay attention to the feedback the universe provides to you. You may find yourself initiating new actions and behaviours that reflect the positive thought pattern. This feedback tells you that you are on the right track. Keep doing what you’re doing!

You may find instead that you are still stuck. This is feedback that you need to reassess your positive outcome. Ask yourself: do you have the skills or knowledge to create the outcome? If you want to be a brain surgeon, and you’re currently driving a cab, it will take education as well as positive thinking to get a scalpel into your hand!

You may sabotage your own progress. You know, the old diet experience where you celebrate “losing” ten pounds by indulging in a maccaroni and chocolate cake festival! And suddenly, you’ve “found” those ten pounds again! This is because Downstairs in your mind, the Fat Program is still running!

You may find that you are feeling resistance or emotional conflict. This feedback means that downstairs in Mental Headquarters, there are some Thought Programs that have other plans for you. These old Thought Programs are still pulling your strings…

Now we’re back to the opportunity you arrived at, as you read this, for DynaMIND training, so that you can learn to enter your Power through accessing the Alpha/Theta Levels of Mind. You know that you’ll benefit from training to gain a deeper level of skill, to change those negative Thought Patterns once and for all!

No more shallow “Positive thinking”.

Is it time for “Positive BEING”?

As a wise teacher of mine once told me, you have to do it yourself and you can’t do it alone. As you become more Conscious, you contribute to the evolution of Consciousness of humanity as a whole.


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Once upon a time, there was an ordinary woman who had a fistful of lightning bolts.

Although she woke up every morning with a fine new shimmering bundle clutched in her hands, she was unaware of the treasure she held and unaware that, by the end of each day, her treasure was usually gone.

It was a mystery . . . did the lightning get lost in the bottom of her purse? Did it blow away out the car window? Did the dog eat it? How did she manage to rid herself of this glittering energy?

One morning the woman looked out the window and grimaced at the grey sky.

“What a miserable day,” she said to herself. “I hate Mondays.”

All of a sudden, one of her lightning bolts flew out of her hand, whizzed through the window glass, and disappeared up into the clouds. She was unaware.

At breakfast, the woman’s two kids were flicking soggy cornflakes at each other.

The woman yelled, “You kids are driving me nuts! Hurry up or we’ll all be late.”

With this, two lightning bolts flew out of her hand and zipped into two sets of little ears, where the energy was reprocessed and stored for mischief production later.

On the highway to work, the woman ended up stuck behind a convoy of senior citizens who were enjoying the rush hour scenery at ten kilometers under the speed limit. Feeling homicidal surges of frustration and anger, the woman expressed a variety of traditional obscenities.

Another lightning bolt flew from her hands and zipped into the car ahead of her, where it was incorporated into a bit of pink baby sweater being knitted by the passenger in the front seat.

Finally the woman arrived at work, where her boss greeted her by handing her a list of forty-seven things that had to be done by 11 am.

“She makes me so mad,” mumbled the woman. “She is insensitive and driven and she’s infuriating.”

Suddenly, another one of the woman’s lightning bolts left her hands and dove into a nearby potted philodendron, causing a ripple of excitement among the chloroplasts. The woman was beginning to feel tired.

At lunch the woman said, “To hell with my diet. I have no willpower anyway, and I’ll just gain the weight back.”

She loaded extra sour cream and butter onto her baked potato. A lightning bolt slid down her chair and skittered into a nearby briefcase belonging to a insurance saleslady from Brampton.

Gathered for coffee break that afternoon, the woman and her two best buddies speculated on how best to gain revenge against Verne, who had gotten a promotion.

“He’s been sucking up to management and making the rest of us look bad with that extra work he keeps doing,” complained the woman.

She didn’t notice a tingle as a lightning bolt left her hand and rolled up the hall into the president’s office, where it nudged his putter and helped his golf ball slide into an old coffee cup lying on its side.

“Hmmm,” said the president to himself. “I have an idea.” He returned to his computer.

That night, as she and her husband cooked supper, the woman muttered to herself, “If only I could change careers. But it’s too late and it would be too much work to go back to school.”

A couple of small lightning bolts fell into the broccoli. Her husband grunted.

The woman raised her voice to him. “You never listen to me when I need to express myself. You should be more sensitive to my needs. If only things were different around here!”

A lightning bolt zapped from her hand, bounced on the floor and zig-zagged down the hall, followed by the cat.

All of a sudden, the bowl of broccoli slipped from the woman’s hands and crashed in a magnificent splatter of mushy green, mixed into bits of sharp white porcelain.

“I hate gravity,” she yelled. Her last lightning bolt flew from her hand and entered the television, where it became a dot on Tom Brokaw’s tie.

“I am tired. I can’t do anything right, ” the woman wailed, ” I am powerless!” And so she was.

Part II

Once again upon a time, there was that ordinary woman who thought she was powerless. She was so frustrated by her powerlessness and talked about it so much that she never noticed the bright fistful of lightning in her hand.

As she peered at herself in the bathroom mirror one morning, her frustration built to a critical mass.

It exploded, scattering her lightning and sounding her thunder through the psychic ether.

Her husband twitched under the covers, opened his eyes and frowned. What was that sudden flash coming from the bathroom?

Her kids stopped whining at each other for a moment. What was that far off rumble?

Her cat shivered and stretched with anticipation. Neighbourhood dogs perked their ears and barked.

This explosive burst was so great that one of the woman’s lightning bolts flew up, zapped her behind her right ear, passed through her brain . . .

. . . And she Woke Up. Really, truly woke up for the first time.

It’s true that in the past her eyes had been open in the daytime, and closed at night, in the conventional manner. But now, for the first time, she was Awake.

She smiled at herself in the bathroom mirror. “What sort of a day shall I make for myself today?” she asked, as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down. “I believe I will make a good day.”

A lightning bolt flew up her arm, whirled around her head and spread itself around her in a shimmer of sparkles. A faint, faint glow appeared around her head.

At breakfast, the woman’s daughter could not find her coloured markers. The child shouted, threw some papers on the floor, and began to cry.

Instead of yelling, “The markers are wherever you left them!” the woman got down to her daughter’s eye level, rubbed her back and said, “It must be very upsetting to misplace your markers. I’ll bet you have a wonderful picture planned. Would you like me to help you find them?”

The halo surrounding the woman flickered and took on a slight reddish tint. A lightning bolt left her hand, flew into the pot drawer, and went ping as it ricocheted off the markers, which were (logically, of course) in the casserole pan.

As the woman drove to work, a young guy in a red Toyota cut in front of her without signaling. The woman almost used her one finger technique.

Then she quickly changed to her Three Finger Technique and called to him, “Bless you, young man . . . drive safely . . . and live . . . your children are waiting to be born.”

The young man’s nose itched, and a shiver went right down his back and leg towards the gas pedal. Numerous gleams of orange joined the reddish glow surrounding the woman. Lightning bolts danced on her knuckles as the woman drove on, practising her abdominal lifts and her Kegels at every stoplight.

That morning, the woman’s boss stomped over to her desk and tossed a stack of files down.

“This needs to be done by eleven am,” the boss huffed.

On other days, the woman would have mumbled assent and then cursed her boss’s ample behind as it receded down the hall. But today, the woman was Awake. She noticed that her boss’s flesh tone was pinker than usual, her breathing was faster and higher in her chest, her voice tone was pinched, and her eyes were moist.

The woman followed her boss into her office. “You have such a difficult job,” said the woman to her boss. “I don’t know how you cope with the stress that head office must lay on you.”

The woman’s boss burst into tears. Tea, sympathy, and a non-judgemental ear were provided by the woman for the next forty-five minutes. During this time, flashes of lovely gold joined the red and orange glistening around the woman. The lights were beginning to move in a spiral pattern around her. Her lightning bolts grew bigger and brighter.

By 11:03, she had all the files done. “Hah,” she said to herself. “Now I will go to the Meditation Booth and do an Alpha Process for ten minutes.”

While doing Alpha, she thought of a new marketing idea for one of her company’s customers, added four things to her To Do list, figured out at last why the bathroom shower was leaking, and worked on her third cervical vertebrae.

“Hmmm,” she smiled to herself. “When I do an Alpha Process this afternoon, I will redecorate the bedroom in four different styles and choose one.”

The woman thought again about how glad she was that she had learned the DynaMIND® skills. When the woman emerged, dazzling green illumination had joined the other colours around her.

It was lunchtime. She contemplated the menu, paused briefly at “Baked Potato Oozing with Butter and Cheese to Plug Your Arteries” and then chose “Salad Bar”. She piled it high and found herself choosing lemon juice instead of Cholesterol Delight dressing. Her heart smiled and so did she.

Blue green iridescence joined the spiraling colours around her. A baby in a high chair at the next table gurgled approvingly and tried to grab the sparkles as they whirled by.

At 5:30 pm the woman met her mother at the mall. The woman had forgotten her shopping list.

“Can’t you ever do anything right?” grumbled her mother.

“Ever?” asked the woman. “Gosh, Mum, I have my underwear on underneath my clothes, instead of on my head! That’s something right. AND I picked YOU for my mother.”

The woman’s mother, for once, was stuck for a response. The woman smiled to herself, and a lustrous blue layer began to brighten her aura even more. A lightning bolt leaped from her hand and tickled her mum’s ear.

On a mall bench nearby, a very, very old lady, whose twinkly blue eyes were almost lost in her smile wrinkles, watched the woman and her mum walk by. The old lady nodded slowly, and grinned her approval.

After supper that night, the woman’s son, in an experimental mood, spent some time contriving just the correct launch velocity and directional vector so that when he jumped down the basement steps, his chin would connect with the rail, rip skin, and distribute blood over an inconvenient area. The woman did not yell, although she was tempted.

As she held a towel to her son’s face, she remembered the words of the wise philosopher, Forrest Gump: “Sometimes, shit happens.” Her aura brightened.

Later on, at the Emergency Room, she was so understanding and friendly with the harassed nurses that her son only had to wait an hour and a half for stitches.

As she sat holding her son’s hand, glints of luminous violet flared and grew around the woman. Her son felt a sudden tingle moving up his arm and on to his chin, where the doctor was sewing.

“I’m going to start thinking before I do stuff, Mom.”

“I know you will, honey. From now on, you are thinking more carefully,” she replied.

When her exhausted husband finally got home from work that night, the woman had put away her scripts for “Guess-what-I-had-to-cope-with-all-by-myself-while-you were-working-late-again” and “Here-is-my-list-of-complaints”. She nuked him a pizza and brought him a beer.

Later on, she rubbed his startled neck and kissed his surprised ear. “You are perfectly You, sweetie,” she whispered. Her aura expanded in glitters of violet white, and her husband felt a brand-new sense of warmth and satisfaction.

That night, as the woman sat in bed doing another Alpha Process, she congratulated herself for the times that day when she had consciously chosen her response. Whirling about her were glittering glimmers of color, threaded with bolts of blue-white lightning. The cat, sitting on the end of the bed, blinked and lazily contemplated chasing one of those sparkles. The woman snuggled next to her husband.

“Just for today,” she thought, ” I was Awake. I was powerful. I will look after tomorrow when tomorrow comes. I wonder what I will chose?”

Check out the Light and the Lightning…

by Janet MacDonald Kramer

If you want more , click here.

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At age eighteen, she was kicked out of dramatic arts school in New York City after only a few weeks. Her drama teachers told her, “you have no future at all as a performer…you are too shy to put your best foot forward.” She tried to work as a model, and was just starting to be successful when she developed rheumatoid arthritis, and was unable to work for two years.

However, she was apparently persistent, because you know her name and her fame: Lucille Ball. I am curious: What did Lucy say to herself when she was told she had no talent? How did she carry on after a devastating illness?

Here’s another puzzle: This rock band was turned down by a major recording company, whose executives scornfully said, “we don’t like their sound and besides, guitar music is on the way out”.

You’ve heard of the band: The Beatles.

What did the young, struggling Beatles say to themselves when “experts” criticized them?

A fifteen-year-old boy was cut from his high school varsity sophomore basketball team. Despondent, he went home, locked himself in his room and cried.

You’ve heard of him: super star basketball player Michael Jordan, who certainly kept working at his basketball skills, and who said, “ I’ve failed over and over in my life. That’s why I succeed.”

Napoleon Hill, the great motivational teacher and writer, who made a careful study of how successful people think, said, “Most great people have achieved their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.”

A young man was fired from his newspaper job. His bosses told him that he “lacked imagination and had no original ideas”. Later on the young man had a crazy, never-before-attempted entertainment idea and took his business proposal to over fifty banks. He was turned down by all but the last bank. That young man was Walt Disney.

Many people have a habit of telling lies to themselves. One of the big lies is, “I am a failure. I can’t do that”.

It’s a lie because it isn’t true. Just because you have had a setback or a failure does not mean you cannot eventually succeed, whether your project is reducing weight, starting your own business, or writing a book, which reminds me …

While staring out the window on a train trip, a young woman got an idea for a novel, but she didn’t make a start on it because her mother soon died and the young woman broke up with her husband. Soon she was diagnosed with clinical depression, and contemplated suicide. As a single mother on welfare with a fussy baby who would sleep if she was walked in the stroller, the woman finally began work on the novel. Sitting in local cafes, while the baby napped beside her, she scribbled. Finally, she submitted her little novel to twelve publishing houses, all of which rejected the manuscript. A year later she was finally accepted by Bloomsbury, a small British publishing house in London, England. The woman is Joanne Murray but you know her as multi-millionaire author, J.K. Rowling, and that first book of hers was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Persistence in the face of failures and setbacks is a familiar trait in successful people. How persistent are you?

As serendipity would have it, on the same day that I had started writing this article for you, I ran into my daughter’s former English teacher, a published author. I didn’t mention my article, but as we chatted, she mentioned that ‘persistence” is very important for writers, who get many more rejections than acceptances! (And then I mentioned my article, because I love “coincidences”!)

Even if you are not a writer, persistence is important for your success in anything you wish to achieve. Sure, you know that already. But what can you do about it? How can you increase your persistence? How do you get the skills that underlie persistence? Are you are thinking, right now, of someone you love who could use this?

Winston Churchill said,never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.”

He knew what he was talking about. At age twelve, Winston failed the sixth form in public school and had to repeat a grade. Can you imagine the name-calling he was subjected to by his schoolmates? Then he failed the entrance exam to get into college. Twice! Later on he was defeated in his first election for Parliament. Luckily for Britain, he was persistent!

My friend and colleague, Dr. George De Sau, a clinical psychologist, says that it is important to remind you that it is not necessary or required to believe that you have to fail before you can succeed! It’s just a fact of life that “instant” success is a Hollywood idea, not a real-life happening.

What is the opposite of “success”?

The opposite is not “failure”.

Fear and inaction are the opposite of success.

If you can teach yourself to respond to failures and setbacks with persistence plus intelligent action, you’re headed for success!

That lie you may tell yourself, “I am a failure at that. I can’t do it,” is a kind of mental software that you are running in your biocomputer brain.

Perhaps you’ve tried to diet and ended up fatter, and the mental software you run is: “I am a failure. I can’t do it. Diets don’t work for me”.

Trying to stop running the Failure Software is like shouting curses at your computer when you get a computer virus. It won’t solve the problem, and it will wake up the cat.

What if instead you learned how to reprogram yourself with new mental software about persistence and courage? What if you got rid of the Lie Software Virus? This is best done in a state of mind associated with Alpha and Theta brainwave activity, as opposed to the Beta brainwave state, which is where you spend your waking hours. How do you do Alpha/Theta? That’s a skill that you learn with us in the DynaMIND® Course.

Intelligent action goes along with persistence. Lucille Ball took intelligent action. She needed knowledge and skill, so she continued to study dance, speech, and drama. She got better at it. She became a great comic actress and, as head of Desilu, her production company, she became the most powerful woman in Hollywood.

John, Paul, George, and Ringo took intelligent action. They worked hard to build their skills as musicians and songwriters. In his book about talent, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell says that great talents have to put in about ten thousand hours of practice to build their skills. The Beatles completed their ten thousand hours playing in strip clubs in Hamburg, Germany, performing for six and eight hour stretches every day for more than a year.

How can you take intelligent action? Recently we had a fifteen-year-old girl with us in DynaMIND® class. She was scheduled to participate in her first high school debate competition in just a couple of days. She used a DynaMIND® mental technique called Alpha Rehearsal to prepare herself for the debate, learning and practicing her self-confidence, her facts, and her phrasing. As often happens when you are in an Alpha state, she even gained advance intuitive perception about the positions her opponents would take against her, and she created and rehearsed her devastating responses. She programed herself that she would “glow”. Then off she went to the debate, and won! One of the judges described her as “radiant”.

You too, can use the technique of Alpha Rehearsal to prepare yourself for better performance in any skill.

Perhaps you hate your job and decide to take professional training to change careers. Yikes! Immediately you might start running your old grade-school mental software, such as “I am only a C student. Studying is hard. I hate tests and exams”. Although you’re forty-five, and taking the real estate course, you can make yourself feel like you’re a sniveling grade three goof once again! Is this useful? No! Instead you’ll use your DynaMIND® toolkit to reprogram yourself for confidence and persistence, and for Alpha soak-it-up-like-a-sponge Learning.

What do you dream of achieving now in your life? Have you allowed setbacks or failures to take you off track, so far?

Marianne Williamson says it beautifully:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

You are capable of far more than you can imagine. I challenge you to to do something about it. After all, who is going to write the new books, heal the sick, start the new businesses, make the discoveries, raise the kids, generate the new wealth, design the starships, if not someone just like you?

-Janet MacDonald Kramer

Do something.

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